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The Ultimate startup ecosystem

What is the Business Accelerator of the Sea?


Business Accelerator of the Sea

The Federation of Sea Businessmen -IVEAEMPA- is a Federation of associations of businessmen of fishing, tourism, environment and other areas of blue economy.

In the last two years...

La Aceleradora

+30 startups

in our program


funding raised


jobs created

¿Do you have an idea and do you want to make it come true?

¿Tienes una idea de negocio?

The team profiles

Do you know which is your profile? Do you know if your team achieve the formula of "functional + fertile + diverse?


Identify your profile, your archetype and your co-creation will, through enterpreneur test and archetypes test and discover with us how your team and you can add value managing the diversity through MPI method.

Enterpreneur Test
Archetype Test
Apply the MPI method with us
Los perfiles del equipo


We accelerate startups or enterprising ideas

Programs we have designed, participated or promoted


Club Segle XXI Business Accelerator is an innovative tool to support the entrepreneurs, with the objective of accelerate ideas and business projects development. The selection of them is based on the diversity, from the Quarters Entrepreneurship Program of the Club and young talents from the University area.


The Business Accelerator, created by a team of coaches, expert in entrepreneurship and diversity, generate a diverse enterprise model from the beginning. The SME is born with a new staff selection and management style, in their development and production processes. It starts internationalised and it plans its growth in the context of a global and diverse community. They are key concepts to its success.


The entrepreneurship projects will have the possibility to take part in Business Ideas Contest. They will have the chance to win an economic prize and receive a start up capital assignment to start working. In case of success, it will be promoted a new fundraising. These financial aids will come from different origins, according to the characteristics of each case: from the Club Segle XXI investment fund, from the Business Angels net and/or from venture capital of micro credit of finance companies associated to Club, or from institutional funding. So, the Business Accelerator becomes an alternative funding to the traditional financial channels.

Aceleradora del Club Segle XXI

Fluidra Accelera was created in 2014. It is a startups Business Accelerator, that looks for innovative and sustainable projects related to the water world. The objective of this initiative is clear: accompany the entrepreneurs and the investors to the creation and development of new profitable solutions, directed towards the water sustainable use.


The Business Accelerator offers personal assistance to startups of the water world. Also, it creates a portfolio of high-quality and viable projects to invest in.


The startups that accomplish the fixed requirements can present their ideas through an online platform. Among the received proposals, Fluidra Accelera will choose those that shows a more favourable growth/risk relation.


The selected entrepreneurs will be assessed by a team of couches composed of directors of Fluidra, a multinational group with direct presence at more than 40 countries. These professionals, experts in production, management, marketing and sales areas. They will help to design a complete business plan and optimise a viability plan.


Once the acceleration ends, it does actions to attract investors. With Fluidra, the projects are presented at the most important investment nets. In many cases, Fluidra Accelera also invest in the capital through contributions or in kind.

Fluidra Accelera

Grupo Zeta Business Accelerator, that group the main top brands in information, entertaining, offers active participation, support and accompany in new digital projects.


Video Lab. New area dedicated to produce, make and edit videos with different formats

for the group headings and third parties. It is a differentiated content production and a narrative with its own discourse.


Dicom. It is a digital consulting firm that offers 360º solutions: creation of current and specialised contents, development and web pages redesign, advertising and digital marketing agency, commercial management, SEM and ad server implementation.

Aceleradora del Grupo Zeta

The Xarxa Comunica i Emprèn (CIE's net) program of the Fundación de la Comunicación (FUNDECO) has the objective of promote inquisitiveness and consolidate enterprising initiatives related to Advertising, Public Relations and Journalism sectors.


This help is aimed at all the sector and also at young people who have ended their University studies, at professionals who are unemployed but have the necessary experience to take part in an enterprising team and at businessmen and self-employed of the communication sector who want to promote their business project and/or diversify their products or services.


If the selection process is passed, they will enjoy a specialised advice business program totally free because it is co-financed by the organising company and the General Administration of Mass Media of the Generalitat de Catalunya.


Those selected will have support of consultants recognised by the European Union in matters of entrepreneurship and Advertising, Public Relations or Journalism professionals. The participants will transform an idea into a viable business projects, that will be presented to successful businessmen.

Programa Xarxa Comunica i Emprèn
In April 2017 we started the training course named "Creation and Managing Microentreprises", tough by ESADE, IESE professors, businessmen or consultants. The students will achieve an advanced level certificate and their knowledge will be reinforced with enterprise internships.
It belongs to training co-financed by the Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya, the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social and the European Social Fund.  Wih this training course, the students learn about Planning and Entreprising Iniciative, Business Activity Management, Products and Services Commercialisation, Economic and Financial Management and Labour Risk Prevention Management.
Certificado Profesional de Creación y Gestión de Microempresas
Projecte Oportunitat is a Club Segle XXI's initiative. Its participants will receive practical knowledge and guides for an idea development with the goal of turning it into a viable business project. 
In the practical sessions, it establishes a collaborative and brainstorming dynamics, result of the diversity of origins, knowledge and life & professional experiences of the participants.
The sessions are tough by highly regarded professionals on business assessment and diversity management.
Decatló Emprenedor del Club Segle XXI
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